Download Rock Lotto IV: nope, I still don’t care about Led Zeppelin Megaupload

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photos as blurry as my recollections

I tried, I really did, but I can’t with the Led Zeppelin. I even recognize that some of those songs technically sound pretty cool! “We come from the land of the ice and snow/From the midnight sun where the hot springs blow.” What a nifty lyric! “Ramble On” has references to Lord of the Rings in it, yes, I know! And yet I feel nothing for it.

BUT, I do care deeply about partying with a slew of rad people and watching weird creative performance, which Rock Lotto IV: Zoso delivered in spades. Here are my assorted notes from Rock Lotto, as I haphazardly typed them into my notepad app. I gently edited these for clarity in some places, redacted some enormously inappropriate comments, but mostly left any whiskey-soaked autocorrect errors as they were.

Also when I don’t know a band’s name, it is designated as according to my friends who are in that band. We here at Missoula Punk News practice flagrant favoritism.

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Amy’s photos rule

I took a bunch of real lousy iPod photos, but you should go check out Amy Donovan’s incredible photos from the night.

9:05 p.m.

Flint Water! First up. Just realized what that name references. Hippie vibes.

9:27 p.m.

Jamie’s Band When the Dental Dam Breaks kicks off with Janis’ “Mercedez Benz.” (They went on to kill it with a Kinks cover that I really dug.)

9:34 p.m.

dang I should worn beads and fringe

9:35 p.m.

Jamie’s band: “I’d like to dedicate this song to my grandma, who’s in the front row right now.”

9:38 p.m.

Men in spangly short shorts! Sarah Meismer in pants like a couch! Fucking gold lamé!

9:41 p.m.

“Is this a Led Zeppelin song?”

“Yes, the last three of these have been Zeppelin songs. But they do all sound the same”

(ETA: okay yes, fine, that was me who asked that)

9:59 p.m.

Jean Pain band with Hermina on drums, fucking weird, it’s about time

(ETA: Jean Pain all dressed up in homemade masks and headdresses made out of denim, and the singer sang into a vocoder and they finished with a cover of ABBA’s “Fernando.”)

10:03 p.m.

Oh God, I got on Twitter:


10:28 p.m.

Jessica’s band Fiyah! is bringing the hair and the reggae. (That curly haired Robert Plant wig made several appearances that night.)

10:36 p.m.

Jess’s band crushed the only Led Zeppelin song I know (ETA: not sure which song that was, lol)

10:41 p.m.

And now we just sang happy birthday to a singer’s mom?

10:42 p.m.

Rock Lotto Committee says “Marty will give you a screaming deal on t-shirts if you’re in a band and [blankity blank] you to death if you’re not”

11:10 p.m.

And then I missed the band [Sex Police] that did Kashmir, I am a jerk. Someone was singing Weeknd songs in the stairwell of the parking garage tho. On Point.

(ETA: I went out to get food from Masala and had missed it. I’m told they slayed. My FOMO is very real.)

11:24 p.m.

Yea Amanda’s band Mud Shark is doing a weird alt-electronic version of “Whole Lotta Love.”

(There’s a significant gap here where I went upstairs to the Rose to chill out. and by chill out I mean I belted out an extremely incorrect rendition of “Smells Like Teen Spirit” along with the jukebox. the ending chorus really does sound like “A BANANAAAA, A BANANAAA,” you know. I think that’s mostly when Backdoor Man & The Secret Shakes with Kia and Dave Jones played. There was a gong even!)

Feb 28, 12:10 a.m.

Ok some other bands played including Kia’s amazing band and the Rock Lotto Committee conceded that that was not entirely randomly chosen. Also whoever is about to play said “Give it up for old people!”

Oh it’s Lit Zipline

Feb. 28, 12:12 a.m.

Oh, fucking Coach Shane is i. A band

Feb. 28, 12:38 a.m.

Coach Shane and Tricia Opstad’s band sits down for acoustic “Stairway” and hand-clapping group jams, v cool, so weird these people would be randomly assigned to a band right

Marty is now supposed to be selling shirts for five dollars

Feb. 28, 1 a.m.

Sarah and Davenport band [Hot Air Buffoon] yay! I am gonna pass out soon tho

and thus concludes the Missoula Punk News staff report on Rock Lotto IV.

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