Download 2016-05-17 VIDEO – SMZB "Ten Thousand Ways to Rebel" Megaupload

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The legendary punk band from Wuhan (China) SMZB (生命之饼) come back with their latest MV, “Ten Thousand Ways to Rebel”. SMZB is one of the first punk bands from China, who is now celebrating its 20th year of existence. The video shows several Chinese punk bands from different cities (see lower for a list), and pay a tribute to Lei Jun (雷骏) from Misandao (蜜三刀), China first skinhead and Beijing’s punk godfather, who passed away one year ago.

Wu Wei (吴维), the singer of SMZB explains the meaning of the song:
“This song has a story: in 2012, in our album “Sin Harmony” (“醉和谐“), there was a song called “One thousand reasons to rebel” (“一千个反抗的理由”). At the beginning, “Ten thousand ways to rebel” was one a the refrain of the song, but when we finished to record the album, we discovered that we forgot this sentence. What a pity! We immediately decided to use this sentence to write a new song. Now everyone can listen to the little sister of “One thousand reasons to rebel“.

The reason for the MV, it’s because last year our friend Lei Jun passed away, and I felt a great sorrow. So I decided to dedicate this MV to him. The reason why I chose the 6th of May to release this song is because it’s the one year anniversary of his death”.


– Ouch! (哎呦) – Langfang
– 八十八颗芭乐籽 – Taipei (Taiwan)
– 臭嘴巴 – Chengdu
– 大脑门 – Kunming
– 反击 – Da Wuhan
– Demerit (过失) – Beijing
– The GT bitches – Jinan
– Milk Shake 7 – Hong Kong
– The Hoover – Urumqi
– Old Doll – Nanjing
– Pinboard (排插) – Guangzhou
– P-Town (皮痛) – Hefei
– 人体蜈蚣 – Beijing
– SZHC深圳硬核联盟 – Shenzhen
– Sucker – Xi’an
– The Tough Kids – Dalian
– WWW – Huaihua
– Banana Peel (香蕉皮) – Guilin
– Pumkins (小南瓜) – Xinxiang
– Gum Bleed (牙龈出血) – Beijing
– 意外冲突 – Chongqing
– 异议份子 – Chengdu
– 脏手指 – Shanghai
– The Last Choice (最终选择) – Changsha
– 不复之血 – Beijing
– Hell City – Beijing
– Own Up – Beijing

SMZB – Ten Thousand Ways to Rebel

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