Download *Profane Existence Reviews – Dissidence – The Fields of War Megaupload

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dissidence-the-fields-of-warAfter seeing the cover of this EP, I knew I had to check it out. The cover is similar to perhaps something like Mark Riddick would draw, but with more of a crusty viking vein about it. It was illustrated by Mike Roberts of Portland’s death crust band Vastation. Speaking of which everyone should get to hear their version of Nausea’s ‘Godless’, as covers go it reigns supreme. That is getting off the point a bit. This Dissidence EP starts off with slow heavily distorted riffs with the singer getting the band ready for the charge. This is the prelude for what is to come, it turns very quickly to black metal speed and then turns around again to the opening riffs with a spoken voice, showing the anarcho-punk roots to their sound. It is a raw sound with very guttural, almost animal-like vocals which evoke the ecological apocalyptic bloodied look at the world they write about. Images of a decaying body praying for death, while around them buildings crumble. Perhaps with Trump in power it might not be too off the truth yet. I do like the contrast when the spoken parts come in, like in the title track and on the last song “Comfortable Denial”. It gives almost a sense of purpose rather than just playing heavy music. Or as they describe their music, politically charged. The vocals on the opening of “Comfortable Denial” is like the singer is inhaling or exhaling industrial waste, it is very powerful. The sound of the imminent end of times.

The Fields of War EP is available as a ‘name your price’ download, you don’t get better than that. It would be a nice one on vinyl.

Rated 4.5/5 based on 595 customer reviews

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